7 October

There’s never enough time

Most insurance plans include precious few mental health visits, often as few as six. These are intended not for healing but for drug management. Traditional talk therapy has no hope of success with so few sessions, which barely scrape the surface, let alone dig deep into any core issues.

Traumatized patients are also often unable to come up with further resources needed for more therapy. But now with Rapid Emotional Detox, mental health professionals can offer real healing well within the 6 visit limit.

Typically Rapid Emotional Detox is completely successful within three visits, and often only one. It is a drugless, non-talking therapy that uses Bilateral Stimulation to effect deep change and healing of core issues. Instead of using visits for drug management, Rapid Emotional Detox Practitioners can bring genuine relief to clients.

This newfound ability to generate real healing is immensely gratifying to Rapid Emotional Detox Practitioners. After years of running against the limitations of talk therapy – and now running against the limitations of insurance companies and the client’s ability to pay for therapy – practitioners can now bring lasting, positive change to their patients.